Thursday, January 10, 2013

Personal Peace

I pray for peace and every day I have been leaving a quote by some famous or infamous person on my Facebook page about what peace means and how to attain it.

What I know is that peace has to be individual before it can be global. If I am not at peace with who I am, if I want what others have because they have it and for no other reason, if I am jealous of the number of friends someone has or their car, then I am not at peace with me. If I let the past I survived continue to beat me up and bring me down, I will not know personal peace.

How do I define personal peace? An individual’s state of being that is totally accepting of the circumstances that created the person they are, as being simply that, circumstances. The actions and words of others that impregnated themselves in one’s mind and heart to mean something about them that wasn’t true. Personal peace is about finding that center in ourselves that accepts the past for what it was and decides to be who they truly are in spite of it, with an understanding that we control how we feel about ourselves and the thoughts and expressions of others will not penetrate or crack our resolve. We choose to live in harmony with our own thoughts and feelings and simply be at peace.

Isn’t a bully someone who dislikes themselves so much that they want to hurt others? If we were all at peace on this great planet of Mother Earth, there would be no war because we would all accept the differences that we do not understand. It wouldn’t matter who believed in what Higher Power or who had more land or oil or gold. We would all be so content with who we are, what we believed and the importance of our possessions, that our governments would have no reason to be conflicted.

True Peace has to start with individuals being happy and content; spreading that feeling of surrender to others. Now I just have to figure out how to get my message to the world.


  1. Well said my friend, well said!

    I wish you nothing but *peace* and love and hope that you continue to write!!

    I look forward to future writings.....♥

  2. Thank you for reminding me. Its astonishing to me that we are distracted from the basics. WE end up looking outside ourselves for peace when it is all right there inside.

    1. Imagine how the world would be if everyone got it. I have to work at it, everyday sometimes, and I know in my heart that Peace will come to this world.
